Monday, 27 July 2015


On Thursday the first week of the holidays I went  to Brooke's house we were at her house for about an hour  then we got ready to go to Manako.  On the way to manako  Brooke and I were talking and sing. Once we got there we went for lunch after that  we went to get  the tickets brooke and I made Rachel get the tickets well we went to the arcade. First we tried the basketball machine  we had no luck then we tried the big toy machine  we just about  100 hundred  times but then Rachel  said  that we had put in a lot of  money. Then one of the guys that worked there  come and opened the machine  and put it so it was easier to get. But  Brooke or I could not get it..  But Josh  did  we were so mad. After  we watched jurassic  world Rachel got as some more food for the next movie. The next movie was  minions  Brooke and tried to get a teddy  I tried one of the small ones and got a teddy then brooke had a go  on the minion one and got two in one go.  Then we had to go watch the movie so  off we went with the teddies after we watched the movie it was time to go back to brooke's house.
                                   The END        

Image result for the new minion movieImage result for the new jurassic world movie

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