Sunday 4 December 2016

work I have been doing at school

We are where we live
Living in a room  in America is a young girl she was only 5 years old but she had a thing for princess her bed was a princess type bed she would always look her best in the dest clothing  she had  and always watched movies that had princess in them. She would have a box with lots and lots of princess things. On  her desk seat would be pretty pink with cushions . Her walls in her room were pink, pink and more pink. Her personalities are different to what your normal 5 year old girls personalities would be  she was so posh that she would not even set on the deck at school to eat her lunch they would have to get a seat from inside, else she wouldn't eat anything. Since they don’t have to ere school uniform she would wear a dress. She Is  lovely and happy and really intelligent. She would try and look the best in the class even if she wasn't she was fine with that. But she also liked doing lots more than dressing up princess. She loved playing netball  flying kites/ drones and spending time with the family. :)     

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