I got my prize giving art done and it looks really cool.
i don't have one.
i got six of my magnahigh tasks done and it was really fun.
Hi my name is Lara and I am 12 (year 8) at Ngatea primary school I have three teachers there names are Miss Hull, Mrs Williams, ans Mrs coles I love playing all kinds of sport and love doing crafty things.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Weekly reflection
I have just started art that we are doing and it is really cool.
I have only been at school two day at school and can't get my work done.
We have started art.
I have just started art that we are doing and it is really cool.
I have only been at school two day at school and can't get my work done.
We have started art.
Monday, 20 November 2017
winter/ Poem
As I walk outside a chill in the air winter's here,
The wind blows’
Snow falls,
A blanket of snow layers ground,
Children making snowman and snow angels,
To see who can make the best,
Icicles hanging from trees and fences,
What else could be better than winter.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
How Not To Make Pancakes
How NOT to make pancakes,
- 1 Cup grass
- 1 cup rain water
- 2 rotten eggs
- 1 TBS Sand to add a bit of crunch
- ¼ Dry mud
Get your grass, rotten eggs, sand, dry mud and rain water and mix together with a fork it will take a while to mix together when it is ready it will be a bit crunchy. Put it in your turned on pot and cook till brown. And that's how NOT to make pancakes.
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei
Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain
This whakatauki is about aiming high or for what is truly valuable, but it's real message is to be persistent and don't let obstacles stop you from reaching your goal.
How it connects to your comic:
I think this connects to my comic because they go on an adventure and my proverb is about an adventur.
- What is the message in your story?
That you can achieve anything if you just put your mind to it.
- What was your favourite part in the story and why?
My favorite part of the story was when he was recapping what had happened before the story actually began.
- How did you feel about the ending to your story and why?
The ending was really cool because they take a boat to a place where they go to fish for tuna and they find the wind chime that his mum put up.
- Why do you think people write comics?
I think people write comics for fun and because they have a fun story line and they are creative.
- If you could change one thing about your comic what would it be and why?
I would probably change it so that he reameges with his parents.
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Weekly reflection
This week my plus is that I got my IE finished in time so that I can do all my sharing to my learning team and another.
I also enjoyed going down to the collage for there arts festival because they had many different activates for us to do.
This week I found the Hauraki Plans Arts Festival quite interesting because there were many different activates to do and was different to last year, there were bands singing songs, Kapa haka and dancing.
This week I am sharing my IE to a couple of groups of six people because we have done all our research and put so much effort in to our work that we are going to share them i other people.
This week my plus is that I got my IE finished in time so that I can do all my sharing to my learning team and another.
I also enjoyed going down to the collage for there arts festival because they had many different activates for us to do.
This week I found the Hauraki Plans Arts Festival quite interesting because there were many different activates to do and was different to last year, there were bands singing songs, Kapa haka and dancing.
This week I am sharing my IE to a couple of groups of six people because we have done all our research and put so much effort in to our work that we are going to share them i other people.
This is my IE slide show that I have made and put all my info on there.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Calf club refection
On wednesday the 26th of october we had calf club at school. At calf club we have three different types animals compete, we had calfs, Goats and lambs. A few people compete at these type of events. I had a calf for calf club and his name was sparrow, we got four ribbons two 5ths, one 2nd and one 1st. I got the two 5ths in obstacle and leading, 2nd in rearing and the 1st in Dairy type, Then I went into the champion ring and didn’t get anything in there. It was a really fun day and my calf did really well and I don’t think he could do.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Holiday fun
During the holiday's I went to watch the breakers with my aunty, mum, dad, sister and a few others, they played the Sydney kings and the Breakers won by two points.
It was really fun and here is picture I drew.
It was really fun and here is picture I drew.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
End of term three refection
Three things I have enjoyed
- Learning in the making conference.
- NPS school cross country.
- Volley ball down at the collage
something I have learnt this term.
- Freanch
somthing I would change:
Sunday, 24 September 2017
volley ball refection

Thursday, 21 September 2017
Weekly reflection
This week my plus is that Ayisha and I have been practicing our face panting skills for pet day next week.
I am also enjoying doing my IE this week.
I need to finish my IE summarises by tomorrow.
I am doing some face painting for school pet day.
This week my plus is that Ayisha and I have been practicing our face panting skills for pet day next week.
I am also enjoying doing my IE this week.
I need to finish my IE summarises by tomorrow.
I am doing some face painting for school pet day.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
My Invention
How would you like an invention that does your chores? Well here today we have a one time offer. This invention is called chortime, it's basically a small robot that can fit under your bed to clean up all that yakey stuff that you don’t need under your bed. it also fits under chairs, tables, and couches. So you can use it outside to clean up leaves or any muddy footprint on your deck. It has little wheels as legs, and arms, to pick stuff off the ground. It makes your bed , and sets the table and so much more. Chortime loves doing your chores,
Get chortime, limited time only.
Call: 800 100 500 if you want chortime.
As we hope on the train, Away from Mum and dad. me and my brother wave viciously to our Mum. Dad was fighting in the war which has been going for a year so far. All kids had to be sent away because it was getting dangerous , all we new is that we were on our way to the country in the middle of nowhere to aunt lillys. The train ride took awhile but after what felt like 2 years we were finally there we hadn’t been in a couple of years so it was exciting to see my aunty and cousins. We hoped of the train onto the platform and there stood aunt Lilly, Jake and Tori. since we have not seen each other in so long it was so cool to see them. As soon as we were of the train I could feel someone hugging me it was tori she was the youngest out of here and jake.
We hope out of the car and I looked at there house It was bigger then I remember. When we get inside Our Aunty tells us we are going to go to school with Jake and tori. So sam you will be going to Dutch primary with Tori, and taylor you will be going with jake to maxwood high. I was kinda excited to go to maxwood high with jake because we were in the same year and we would be in the same classes as each other so he can help me out with where to go.
Lilly made us some dinner we watched some movies then went to bed she told us to get a good night sleep because we would be going to school in the morning.
I woke up early the next morning I looked at the clock it said 10 past 5 I had 50 minutes to waste so I decided to talk to mum and other friends. Mum was really good to talk to because she said every thing was fine at home , and it won’t be too long till we are back home. As the clock finally struck 6:00 am I decided to get changed and go out to the kitchen for breakfast, when I got out there everyone was enjoying pancakes. I sat down and had my breakfast, and soon I would be on my way to school. Sam and tori were the first to be dropped off because it was closer than it was for me and jake. The day for me was okay it was kinda weird and a lot smaller than my other school back home in the city. When aunt lily picked us up she took us to a bakery with lots of fresh breads and yummy stuff like that.
1 Month later
My aunty picked us up from school early to say that she had got a call from my mum to say that the war had ended and that we could go home if we wanted to, and if we said yes mum would come and pick us up. We both said we would like to go home and see our parents. The next day we had the day of school so we could go and pick up my mum, she would stay here for two days and then we would go back on the train. We watched movies went shopping and had so much fun together . Then it was time to leave. It was so sad that I had to leave I had so much fun with my cousin and family and now it was time to leave. As we said our last goodbyes the train started to move and we were off on our way home. Mum told us her amazing experience when the war was happening and letters she got from dad to give to us, just liting made me feel like I was there in the war watching every thing explode around me. As we hoped of the train and dad was waiting there for us to get of the train We all ran to him because none of us had seen him in ages, It was so much fun to see him.
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Weekly Reflection
I went to HP X- country and came 11th.
I didn't get any new magnahigh task so I just tried those ones again.
We had all the little Kids in our class and it was really fun, because we helped them with there work.
I went to HP X- country and came 11th.
I didn't get any new magnahigh task so I just tried those ones again.
We had all the little Kids in our class and it was really fun, because we helped them with there work.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Caracter Description
A thin little minion is singing and dancing all night Long with the rest minion friends. They love eating ice cream and, they love making jelly. Bob wears small cute black gloves and boots. He has goggles on his eyes which make him look like he is ready to go swimming. With small long legged jean overalls with a G on the front pocket. On his head he wears a crown that he deserves to get, and his eyes are two different colours one as brown as a tree trunk and the other as green as grass. Bob lives in a old rusty house with Grew, Doctor Nefario, Margo, Edith, Agnes and the rest of the minions, He has many different hobbies Like blowing things up,being Naughty and having ice cream parties with the rest of the Minions. His favourite colour is yellow. His favorite food is Bananas and ice cream. He Looks after Margo, Edith and Agnes with the help of Kevin when Grew needs them to help out. He is my favorite minion of all.
Here is my Photo that I drew.
Wednesday, 23 August 2017
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
What is it I hope I will come to understand more deeply through this inquiry?
I hope I will Find out more about How have volcanoes impacted on our lives.
What knowledge might I need to help move towards this understanding?
I hope I will Find out more about volcanos and volcanic eruptions and how they work. More knowledge around living Things and how they work. Plus manage my time really well so I can actually get it done.
What is it I hope to be able to do more competently? What skills will I need to learn (skills)
In reading I will be skimming and scanning so I need to learn more about these skills. Mapping, so I can do my creation and put the pins in the right places. Science skills so I can do some experimenting to make a mini volcano,and summarising my findings.
What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice and develop further? (Explain this)
I will need to use curiosity to help me with my learning so I can be more curious. Reselance because it will take me a while to find all my information. And creativity because for my creation
Thursday, 17 August 2017
weekly Reflection
I got my word of the week done by Tuesday.
I won 3 bronze meadles 1 silver medals and one gold meadl out of my 6 tasks on magnahigh.
My minus this weeek is that i could not get a meadle on my last magnahigh task.
I won 3 bronze meadles 1 silver medals and one gold meadl out of my 6 tasks on magnahigh.
I got my word of the week done by Tuesday.
I won 3 bronze meadles 1 silver medals and one gold meadl out of my 6 tasks on magnahigh.
My minus this weeek is that i could not get a meadle on my last magnahigh task.
I won 3 bronze meadles 1 silver medals and one gold meadl out of my 6 tasks on magnahigh.
Monday, 14 August 2017
word's of the week
word: current
Type word:
1 Adjective
2 Noun
1: belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
2 : a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.
1: I am reading current Events in the paper.
2: There was a current moving down the stream.
word: Racket
Type word:
1: Noun
2 : Noun
1: a bat with a round or oval frame strung with catgut, nylon, etc., used especially in tennis, badminton, and squash.
2:a loud unpleasant noise; a din.
1: I was playing tennis with my sister and she went to hit the ball but the tennis racket went flying instead.
2: I was playing the brums but instead of making a nice sound it made a horable noise.
Type word:
1 Adjective
2 Noun
1: belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
2 : a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.
1: I am reading current Events in the paper.
2: There was a current moving down the stream.
word: Racket
Type word:
1: Noun
2 : Noun
1: a bat with a round or oval frame strung with catgut, nylon, etc., used especially in tennis, badminton, and squash.
2:a loud unpleasant noise; a din.
1: I was playing tennis with my sister and she went to hit the ball but the tennis racket went flying instead.
2: I was playing the brums but instead of making a nice sound it made a horable noise.
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Weekly Refletion
I got a gold medal in my in one of my mangahigh tasks.
My Learning team finished our team logo which I think looks really cool.
I don’t have one.
My Learning team finished our team logo which I think looks really cool.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
word of the week
word: Patient
1: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
2: a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
1: I was so patient when the plan got delayed.
2: My sister was a patient at the hospital.
1: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
2: a person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
1: I was so patient when the plan got delayed.
2: My sister was a patient at the hospital.
Thursday, 3 August 2017
weekly refletion
I won a gold medal on my mangahigh.
I am doing a workshop for learning in the making , which is a day or two where you do something fun hands on and you mix and mingle with other people
I don’t have one
I am doing a workshop for learning in the making , which is a day or two where you do something fun hands on and you mix and mingle with other people
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
word of the week
clearly visible.
We were playing hide and seek and Elaina was very conspicuous
Thursday, 27 July 2017
weekly reflection
I finished my Highwayman work and it was really fun.
We changed leaning teams so now I can learn more about other people.
I didn’t get a gold medal this week.
We changed learning teams.
Monday, 24 July 2017
word of the week
hopeful and confident about the future.
In a sentence
I am very optimistic that I am going to work at McDonald's when I am older.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
weekly reflection
My plus this week is art because it is book week at school we are boing book carectorer art.
Don't have one.
we had a dress up day at school to dress up as your favorite book corrector.
My plus this week is art because it is book week at school we are boing book carectorer art.
Don't have one.
we had a dress up day at school to dress up as your favorite book corrector.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
word of the week
word: preposterous
Meaning: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
in a sentence:
It was such a preposterous, Karly stole my lollies.
Meaning: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
in a sentence:
It was such a preposterous, Karly stole my lollies.
Thursday, 29 June 2017
weekly reflection
On Thursday afternoon we had to do something to do with Matarik, I made I kite with glitter then put the seven sisters on it.
My second plus for the week is that I got a gold medal on my magnhigh.
I don’t have one
We went down to the college and had a have a go day
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