Wednesday, 13 September 2017


As we hope on the train, Away from Mum and dad.  me and my  brother wave viciously to our Mum. Dad was fighting in the war which has been going  for  a year so far.  All kids had to be sent away because it was getting dangerous , all we new is that we were on our way to the country in the middle of nowhere to aunt lillys. The train ride took awhile but after what felt like 2 years  we were finally there we hadn’t been  in a couple of years so it was exciting to see my aunty and cousins. We hoped of the train onto the platform  and there stood aunt Lilly, Jake and Tori. since we have not seen each other in so long it was so cool to see them.  As soon as we were of the train I could feel someone hugging  me it was tori  she was the youngest out of here and jake.

We hope out of the car and I looked at there house It was bigger then I remember. When we get inside Our Aunty tells us we are going to go to school with Jake  and tori. So sam you will be going to Dutch primary with Tori, and taylor you will be going with jake  to maxwood high. I was kinda excited to go to maxwood high with jake because we were in the same year and we would be in the same classes as each other so he can  help me out with where to go.
Lilly made us some dinner we watched some movies then went to bed she told us to get a good night sleep because we would be going to school in the morning.

I woke up early the next morning I looked at the clock it said  10 past 5  I had 50 minutes to waste so I decided to talk to mum and other friends. Mum was really good to talk to  because she said every thing was fine at home , and  it won’t be too long till we are back home.  As the clock finally struck 6:00 am I decided to get changed and go out to the kitchen for breakfast, when I got out there everyone was enjoying  pancakes. I sat down and had my breakfast, and soon I would be on my way to school.  Sam and tori were the first to be dropped off because it was closer than it was for me and  jake.  The day for me was okay it was kinda weird and a lot smaller than my other school back home in the city. When aunt lily picked us up she took us to a bakery with lots of fresh breads and yummy stuff like that.

1 Month later

My aunty picked us up from school early to say that she had got a call from my mum  to say that the war had ended and that we could go home if we wanted to, and if we said yes mum would come and pick us up. We both said we would like to go home and see our parents. The next day we had the day of school so we could go and pick up my mum, she would stay here for two days and then we would go back on the train. We watched movies went shopping and had so much fun together . Then it was time to leave. It was so sad that I had to leave I had so much fun with my cousin and family and now it was time to leave. As we said our last goodbyes the train started to move and we were off on our way home. Mum told us her amazing experience when the war was  happening and letters she got from dad to give to us, just liting made me feel like I was there in the war watching every thing explode around me. As we hoped of the train and dad was waiting there for us to get of the train We all ran to him because none of us had seen him in ages, It was so much fun to see him.

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