Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Learing at school

A couple of weeks ago we started to  do IEs. this means Individual Endever. I did this last year but it was new to both the year 7 and 8s so everyone did not know much about what to do but this year  all the year 8s know what  to do  so we can help the year 7s with  what they need to do and give them feedback and feed ford. My IE is about  how the feet work. I choose this To inquiry because  last year I had  a saw ankle and found out that I had Ankle impingement and I thought it was a really fancy name then I started to think more about the foot a dissed to do my IE  on feet. Here are my questions. The question highlighted is my  big question an the rest are ones that carry on from the big  question. I think that I will have to  use  a lot of creativity and resilience because  with my creation  I would like to make a plastic foot so that  I can show where  all the ligaments and bones are in your foot.  I will hopefully now were  all the bones in your foot are and there names. I think I will have to  use a lot of  of reading and writing  so a can summarise everything.    

How do your feet work and why?
why do they have all the fancy names for bones, ligaments, toes, ankles and Tissue?
how do your bones grow
how do your bones break
Why do you have an arch in your foot.
how do you bones heal when they  are broken.  
how do people get bruises?
how do your bones and ligaments help move your body?
How do you prevent  yourself from breaking a bone or pulling a ligament ?

 here are my keywords with these question.



Monday, 27 February 2017

Netball in Te Aroha

 On the weekend  Magic were playing the mystics in Te Aroha for a preseason game  it was really  cool to go watch. it was really fun to because mum let Karly and I have a freaind for the game so karly had charlie and I had Aly  it was really fun to go and watch  we knew a few people there so in half  time we would talk to them. During half time they had a game to win a magic mystic ball to win so Roz got picked and she was  hoping over a sign to get over and she didn't  bring her  foot  over and fall to the ground it was funny  but she come second  and did not win the ball.  After the game we got autographs and photos with some of the magic and miystics.



Swimming sports

Yesterday we had swimming sports  it is always fun to do because  you get to swim against other people who might be faster than you or slower than you. We always do  Freestyle first then Backstroke  and then breaststroke. I did 2 lengths and 1 length of Freestyle. 1 length of Backstroke and 1 length of breaststroke after that we always have  house team really  in age groups of 8-9, 10-11 and 12+  we did really well because  we do not have much people in our house so  we had to  put some people up into a different age so that we could have teams  the only team that come first was the 12+ boys  and the rest of them we had Either come last or second or third witch is fine because we gave it a go.  Yesterday was so much fun.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Which charity do you support?

Witch charity do you support? I support give
a little because  the money is for
people who really need the                 support. Like the shave                       your heir  for cancer
it is a really good website
 that helps people who
get  caners and they  put
up a give a little page  to get  some money to raise for this charity.  


My circet that I made last week at school when ramie came to school

Monday, 13 February 2017


Today and yesterday we started doing a self circle on a picture of our  face. A self circle is on a pace of paper and write down what you like and enjoy.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

How to grow a strong brain

Today we learnt about how to grow a strong brain. To make you have a strong brain you have to tack
Brain breaks
drink water
have good brain food
challenge yourself
fill your brain with new learning
good sleep

Thursday, 9 February 2017


Ko mount Taranaki / Egmont  (mountain) toku maunga
Ko Wyaihou (river) toku awa
Ko TiKapa (sea/harbour) toku moana
Ko Endeavour  (waka) toku waka
Ko New Zearlanders  (tribe/nationality) toku iwi.
No Turua/ Thames valley    (place where you are from) ahau
Ko Ngatea Primary School (school) toku Kura
Ko Brad (father) toku matua
Ko Angela  (mother) toku whaea
Ko Lara (your name) toku ingoa
No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa
Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

blogging challange

What's Your Learning Style? The Results

Your Scores:
  • Auditory: 30%
  • Visual: 25%
  • Tactile: 45%
we have done a test on what our learning space we work better in and I work better doing hands on tasks.   

blogging challenge

One word that can help me in my learning.
Have a growth mindset. I have picked this word because having a growth mindset helps think about things if it is to hard and need something to keep you going. Like when I play netball  every one is much taller then me so I have to try my hardest to keep going and to not give up because  some people throw the ball up high and I have to jump to try get the ball. In my learning I have to try my hardest to  work out the answer in maths and in writing to try my hardest  to  to spell the words write instead of using spell check to correct it for me I will look at it and spell it out on a piece of paper then I can see what one looks correct  to me. More in my writing  is punctuation, capital letters and full stops  this is something that I always get wrong in my writing so if I start doing more of it all of the time instead of forgetting  I will get better. Reading in my reading I need to work on saying the word right  and if I get it wrong I will go back and spell it out till it is correct. So hopefully I  can achieve some of these goals by the end of the year.   

Tuakana Teina

At the start of the year   the teachers started to talk to us about tuakana teina. Tuakana means you can sit independently and get thing s done in time. Teina means that you cant do the stuff the tuakana can do  but are learning to do it. We also have Tupo witch is in the midel of those Tuakana and teina. Tupo means that you can do the same tings as every one else but not as well. I put my self on takana because I am good at sitting on my own to get my work finished.        

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Monday, 6 February 2017

One word

Blogging challenge
this week for blogging challenge we doing one word  witch will descried what i will do to keep myself going when times get thought. My word is Resilience because if times get tough I will keep going.

Waitang weekend

The singeing of the trite of Waiting  the singeing of the trite was made in 1840 in Waiting.  there were around 540 Maori chiefs around NZ who singed this drafted trite. This Trite was made between the Maoris and the British. The Maori trite of Waiting was published on  the 6 of February witch is now a public long weekend.

Modern day trite
These days  we have  other things instead of a trite we have a modern day trite.
theses things all come from a modern day trite.
terms and condition
 for a modern day trite  this could  be online offline or on a hard drive of some sort.  
 these are all things that  comes with a modern day trite.