Thursday 9 February 2017


Ko mount Taranaki / Egmont  (mountain) toku maunga
Ko Wyaihou (river) toku awa
Ko TiKapa (sea/harbour) toku moana
Ko Endeavour  (waka) toku waka
Ko New Zearlanders  (tribe/nationality) toku iwi.
No Turua/ Thames valley    (place where you are from) ahau
Ko Ngatea Primary School (school) toku Kura
Ko Brad (father) toku matua
Ko Angela  (mother) toku whaea
Ko Lara (your name) toku ingoa
No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa
Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all

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