Thursday 28 July 2016

Book Bash

 For my Book bash book this week we have just started  reading paper plans so far I  have  read to chapter three and now I am going to make a perdition. By the way I am reading  paper plans.

  Perdition 1 : I think that they will get forced to leave the building because the war gets to dangerous and there house gets knocked down by a bomb, If it dose get knocked down then will they be in the building or outside. If they alive what will they do  or what will happen if they are dead?

 Perdition 2 : What will happen if the kids are in the basements and there parents are in the the house and a bomb hits it will they live with Mrs Mujanovic because there the close to them or will they  have to run for there lives to try find food?

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Our murals

In term 2 and 1 week into term 3 we have been doing art we have been designing and looking in to our family history, We have been looking at our school mural for help.

step 1 look at a school mural our ones online.
step 2 get a template and with five squares and on the same page get five more squares to put some lines in.
step 3 with those squares you are going to  draw pictures of your family history and then writ a little spinet of why it is spishle to you and your family.
step 4 Now you can start drawing out your draft copy.
step 5  after you have got the approve from the teacher you can add some couler so you now what couler you are going to do for your good piece  
step 6 now you can draw your good copy on a good piece of paper
step 7 after you have done all that you can now  start water couler.
step 8  after you have done all the calor  you can   turn the paint brush around and get black water coulur  and go around your stuff.
step 9 And show it of.


Monday 25 July 2016


Hear is a poem that I writ yesterday during drop every thing and write
Screenshot 2016-07-25 at 1.31.28 PM.png
As the tape brips icicles form.
Who knows when they will defrost.
The cold winter air blows in the wind.
The rain comes to play.
Umbrellas flying all over the show.
As we got home the snow starts to blew.
Snow angels and snowmen for everyone.
As the snow and rain starts again  I can hear the pitter patter on the roof
As the sun comes out the snow must leave.
Now the native birds come to play.
The sun must leave now as the moon comes to sleep.
Now I can hear the sounds of a morpork talking away.
As I am sleeping away I hear wings flapping outside I wonder what it would be like to fly?

Sunday 24 July 2016

Lara’s news report on Lennex holiday

In the  holiday  Lennex and his family went up the thames coast for a little  adventure he said it was really cool and scary because he got stuck in  the sand bar  and did not want to get out because he thought there was a shark .   He said the highlight  of the whole experience was everything. He said it was fun hanging out with his family  because his brother  is really anti social  and it was cool to see him scared  in the water. It was not his first time being on the kayak.  He also went up the thames coast  for this little fun. Experience he also said his mum hates driving in the thames coast  and he said  it was cool seeing his mum drive  in the thames coast.    


Thursday 7 July 2016

Maori languge week

This week we have been doing stuff for maori languge week  the things. I have enjoyed making pois, fry bread,   myth and legen that was really fun and art   they were all fun and yummy . I really  enjoyed  creating and making ahole lot of things we even did more stuff

Maori languge week

This week we have been doing stuff for maori languge week  the things. I have enjoyed making pois, fry bread,   myth and legen that was really fun and art   they were all fun and yummy . I really  enjoyed  creating and making ahole lot of things we even did more stuff

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Fry bread

                                                                Fry Bread 

This week for  Maori  luggage week we made  fry bread with miss haven I enjoyed  making it because ever herd of it till today  it is really easy to create.

for the ingredients you will need

  • 1/2 a tsp of salt 
  • 1/4 a cup of warm water 
  • 1/2 a tsp of yeast 
  • 1 tsp  of sugar 
  • 1/2 a cup of flour 
 to start of you will need a cup of hot water and and tip the sugar into  the cup with hot water  after the sugar has dissolved sprinkle the yeast into  the  hot water. Now in the bowl you will put  your flour  and  salt  give it a stir and  tip the stuff that was in the cup into the bowl  give it a stir. if it is still sticky put more flour in  till it is fine. after you have need it carefully wait for it to rise. this will tack 5 to ten minutes.  after you have done that stretch it bit hen cut it in half and put a bit of oil in the pan  a little  cook it till it is golden drown on each side. And enjoy             

Sunday 3 July 2016

Here is my Pepeha for Maori week
Ko Taranaki toku maunga   (mountain)

Ko Piako toku awa  (river)

Ko waikato ( place where you are from)

Ko Ngatea primary school toku Kura  (school)

Ko Brad toku matua    (father)

Ko Ange toku whaea  (mother)

Ko Lara toku ingoa (your name)

No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa