Tuesday 15 November 2016

My writing

Fun time with family and friends is the best time of the year when your outside got the BBQ going  talking laughing sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows eating smores fun time but imagine your family moving somewhere overseas where they don’t do stuff like that.  Over in England where they all sound professional and fancy, how would you like that. Well welcome to my world I am moving to England we went on a holiday there two years ago and mum and dad loved it but I can’t stand it over there. Ever since that holiday to England every thing has been a disaster But the hard part will be trying to say bye to everyone. Talking to my friends at school to tell them that I’m leaving because dad got a job over in England. I always wondered if mum and dad would ever stop and think, Is this a good idea to move because they both have a really cool job already and I would hate to see them say goodbye to them. we  are going over in a week to buy a house.

Come on time to go. It was 4 am in the morning we were leaving home to go to England  to buy a house. I was not that excited to be leaving to buy a house. I asked mum and dad a question “do we have to go to England i’m not that excited” I said? Mum and dad were silent for a moment, Then they said but we have to your dad got a job and we have already got your school organized and your sisters  kindergarten so your out of luck. Then mum asked what I was going to miss about N.Z. and I said my friends not seeing the family as much as I use to and roasting marshmallows and having smores. Well we can do all that stuff over in England. No I can’t my family and friends won’t be there with me it’s not going to be like old times mum.
I got so angry mum told me to get some sleep before we get to the airport and that I was shouting so loud I woke my sister up but I didn’t. We were ten minutes away from the airport and I awoke from my sleep. Mum and Dad never knew I was awake  and was talking about a surprise when I get to England. I wondered what it was mum and dad never keep secrets from me and this was so enjoying I guess if I want to know then I have to wait and see what will happen when we get to England.

As we were getting everything inside the airport I was kinda looking ford to go see my new school. And apart from that i have now idear how I am going to kope.  I love school here in N.Z it won’t be the same. Wake up, wake up said mum  were here  we're in England she sounded so excited about everything  and me not so much I hate it in england the only thing people do around here is walk so poshly and talk so poshly to.

As we got a taxi to our hotel. As we are getting settled mum said that we need to go have a  look at the school and the kindy garden. So we got in another taxi and mum and dad started to talk about our surprise and something else.  Walking around the kidney was not that  bad. But when we got to the school everything changed  everyone was throwing paper at each other. Then mum and dad thought that school was not good enough so we left. The next day and the day after we didn’t go house hunting we left stoutgat for N.Z. I asked mum and dad what we we’re doing and they said that they will tell me when  we  get home.As soon as I got home  I asked mum and dad why are we not still in england  and they said it was better over here and so much more to do.

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