Tuesday 8 November 2016

my writting

Screenshot 2016-08-16 at 9.03.02 AM.png(From Pobble)
Bella was always different to the other kids at school Taller, than anyone else. She would often get teased  and laughed at but she new she was perfect the way she was. One day Miss street  were talking about speeches. One kid asked what are speeches?  Mis street  explained the whole thing to them like what speeches are type thing.  After mis street had finished explaining to us  she said, “ I want you to go home this afternoon and think about this please children”.

 As  she was walking home from school she could hear other kids from her class talking about her.  But she new she was awesomely amazing because she knew she was the town hero that everyone loved, but when she got home she was still trying to  find out  what to do for her speech.  Then she thought,  ‘what about  I write a speech on what it feels like to teased  and people talking behind your back’.  When she woke up in the morning her parents asked what she was doing for  her speech. When she told them they thought it was a great idea.

As I got to school the teacher asked me  what I was doing for my speech I said  bullying she thought it was a good idea because she new what I went through at school then she asked me a question, will you  please show the new girl around school? I said okay  she took me to the new girl in school. She was tallish like me then I looked at her.  Then I remembered she is my new next door naber. She was a very nice girl. then I said
“hi my name is  Bella what is your name?”
“Hi my name is scarlet.”
“Would you like me to show you around the school?”  
“That would be lovely.”
she said by to her mum  and I went and showed her around the school she said she loved it here and that's when I asked her if she lived down pule drive? And she said yes then  I said “do you want to walk home together tonight ?”
She said  okay that would be lovely.
Once I got home  had some afternoon  tea and watched T.V. I had an alert  the alert was coming from down the road . It was coming from  Jessica’s  “do I really want  to save her ?”
“No” “but I have to”

After getting ready to go I reached Jessica's house and she really was in danger  her house was on fire.  I said hold on I was coming but all I heard was screaming and shouting  after I got them out of the house   got the house and put it on high  It took around  15 minutes  to put out. After I put it out I went and saw  the house to investigate and found a lighter on the ground  and it looked like it had been lit  and that when I found  out that  Jessica had lit it to make me come.  Once I told her mother that someone was playing with a liter she knew exactly who it was .

The next day I  had a cold  it was so bad I was just getting  to love  school but then it gave me time to write my speech it was so awesome. By the end of the day I had finished my speech I emailed Mis street  to ask her to look at it  I got an email back  about 15 minutes later  saying I put it on Q cards and she said I could print it out. I was so excited she had also said that I was one the first people to finish.

The day had come  speech day.  I was so excited and scared at the same time it was the first time I have done speeches .  when I got to school scarlet was there waiting for me she looked so scared. I wanted to ask her what was wrong till we got to the cloak day.
“Scarlet what is wrong? “ Bella asked her.
“Its nothing” she dust into tears .
“Okay Jessica was kinda  talking to me saying  you shouldn't have started to hang out with you and if I do then she would she would start to call me names plus  bully me and I’m not the only one that she will  do it to. How else will she do it to you and my younger siblings.” I convinced Scarlet to  tell Mis street  what had happened  and why. She was not happy at all and said she will talk to her soon now have a seat girls.

Speech time “I was so excited for speeches I hope I am first because then it is over and done with  the teacher calls out my name and I stand up and walk to the front.  “I say my speech and who I write my speech actually knew who I was writing it on.”  We will tell you later who got into haruki plans speech competition.
It was after lunch yay she was going to tell us  who got into speech finals. Welcome class now we have made a decision  the two people that are going through to the speech finless on thursday are… Scarlet and Bella.  There was a  dead silence as Bella  and  Scarlett hugged each other  in Amazement then everyone except Jessica started clapping.

As Bella and scarlett were walking home Bella asked scarlett a question do you want to Came to my house tonight sure I will just go and see mum and dad  plus get changed  said scarlett and some sweets. Perfect. Said Bella. As bella was walking up the stairs scarlett comes running out the door  and say that it was okay. I walk in the door and tell mum and dad they said that they were having dinner tonight to say congratulation to you to. After I got changed  and got some food ready  the doorbell goes and Scarlett is standing there. I show her around the house  she thought it was amazing walking down the stairs I said I still have to show you the back yard   as we walked out said mum had got some more food and got all the outdoor furniture ready  we sat down and were watching T.V when the doorbell rang again  mum answered it and said it was for me  we went inside and Jessica was at the door and said  give me my speech back you stole and started to cry. I told her it was my speech  and to go away. She said  the day that I was away I stole her speech and that she wants it back. That was when I slammed the door in her face. The thing that was so awesome was that Scarlett got it all on film.

The next day mum dropped me and scarlett of at school because she needed to talk to Mis Street. Scarlett emailed my mum the video so that it looked like she  had recorded it once she had showed  Mis Street she got so angry and said that  she did not write that speech and that she is in so much trouble. That night was speech finals. I went over to scarlett's house to get ready then my parents drove scarlett's parents me  and her as we got there our whole class except for  jessica and her Minions. It was so scary being up there but I knew it was for a good curse. As soon as everyone had done they called out 1st 2nd and 3rd  it was so awesome I came 1st and scarlet came 2nd let's just hope  everyone is happy.        

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