Wednesday 8 February 2017

blogging challenge

One word that can help me in my learning.
Have a growth mindset. I have picked this word because having a growth mindset helps think about things if it is to hard and need something to keep you going. Like when I play netball  every one is much taller then me so I have to try my hardest to keep going and to not give up because  some people throw the ball up high and I have to jump to try get the ball. In my learning I have to try my hardest to  work out the answer in maths and in writing to try my hardest  to  to spell the words write instead of using spell check to correct it for me I will look at it and spell it out on a piece of paper then I can see what one looks correct  to me. More in my writing  is punctuation, capital letters and full stops  this is something that I always get wrong in my writing so if I start doing more of it all of the time instead of forgetting  I will get better. Reading in my reading I need to work on saying the word right  and if I get it wrong I will go back and spell it out till it is correct. So hopefully I  can achieve some of these goals by the end of the year.   

1 comment:

  1. Lara you have explained your 'one word' challenge really clearly with lots of examples which is great. It is good to see you continuing to try your best and keeping your goals in your mind. I think you have shown a growth mind set and you don't let blockers get in your way. Well done Lara!
