Monday 20 March 2017

My fun weekend

On the weekend Katie, Brooke, Emma, Ayisha, Aly, Sophie and I went to Dikies flat. First we went into Ngatea because that is where everyone meet so we could get into cars. After we all  left Ngatea and headed of to Dikies flat. Before we got to Dikies flat we stoped in Paeroa to  get some lunch because we all brought a Bit of money to spend. After that we went to Dikies flat but no one knew where to go Because Sarah was meant to come but had last minute planes.  So we went to this other place that we thought was Dikies flat but turned out it was not so we went down to check it out it had a big water full and was really beautiful but some people have died there so we decided to carry on till we found Dikies flat. We went down a few roads then we found Dikies flat road so we carried on down that road  and we found it when we got there the water was really  cold  and toke us a little while to get in. When you got in the water and were use to it that is when your body was num. After being there awhile we started to go down all the rapids because they were really small. Ayisha and Brooke brought some floaties so that was what we went down the rapids with.  Before we lift we went back to the place we thought Dikies flat was and took some photos it was really cool. After that we stopped at Mcdonalds to get a ice cream. When we got our ice cream they put the wrong topping on so we got m&Ms and oreo  biscuit on top instead of just oreo.     

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