Tuesday 18 October 2016

Mini gardens

Today  at school  we made mini gardens they are so Awesome, Amazing and fun to make. on Tuesday we got a note to say that we needed to bring in stuff from home but we could not buy it  from a shop for on Wednesday . I really in joyed making these mini creations. when we got to school every one was looking and showing  what they had bought.  After we had made them all  we had to set them out on tables and the other kids  from different class rooms come and have a look. They all looked stunned with what we have achieved.  It was really  fun and awesome to see all the other kids in the school looking around and seeing what we  have achieved. I in joyed making the mini gardens and seeing what every one has made.  I made a fairy garden  with Todd stills, flowers, moss, stikes, sand  and cootten duds.  


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