Sunday 16 October 2016

Quick write

In the holidays I had a friend over it was really really fun.  Because we did not have karly to bug as. First we started to  make  bracelets that had words on them for example mine said life and Ayisha’s said Yay. after we had finished making them we decide to go and hope on the tram.  We went back inside and the phone began to ring        

Mum picked it up and it was my sister karly who was staying at a friends house for her party  and she wanted my dad who had just got back from work. So dad said he would come and see here. For her birthday she had got a dig teddy dear  so dad beside to dress it up like him. After we dressed him up  we went and put him in the front seat of the car. We ate dinner then went up stairs and waited for my dad to come up and put the movie on. We waited for  at least 20 mins then I went down stairs and he was on the phone to my uncle. once he got of the phone he came up and put the movie in. We watched two movies that night.  Then fall asleep the next day mum made us pancakes then we made her pikelets for lunch that wa a really fun time.              

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