Thursday 20 October 2016

what I have been up to at school this week

This week at school  has been really fun and awesome. I have in joyed doing A hole lot of different thing like my work and our fun day Wednesday.

  for our work this week we had to do a lot of different writing tasks one of hem was a instar message. What we did was the teacher  made a template of a phone/ I pad and we had to put a pic of the learning in the making conference. We had to writ a little blued and put hash tags on. it was really fun and exiting to create. our next writing task was the Marmara way  we had to pick one of our Marmara ways from the poster and writ what we would do to compete this task. our next on was we had to do a recount of what we did in the holiday and I did having my friend over and it enplanes what we did.
our last on was we had to do a recount on the learning in the making conference about what we did and what type of equipment we needed for the job.

On Wednesday we had a fun day because we had cafe club our fist activate went on for most of the day but that was okay because we were making mini gardens so it was relay fun. our mini gardens took around 1 hour we had to bring in all our stuff to decorate it some people went in groups and some didn't. after morning tea we seat them out on tables so that the rest of the school that wrent doing cafe club could come and look. It was really fun and awesome activate to do and I relay relay wish I could do it again.

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