Thursday 9 March 2017

Learning at school

Here is my writing that I have done during Deaw

The morning was cold. All my things were  packed  and in the truck along with the rest of the house.  Saying bye to my friends in Australia was hard, But I managed.  Leaving was hard but it's not the first time I have moved in  my life.  I have lived in two different countries they were all so beautiful,  But mum and dad want to be closer to our family. Our family lived in  a small island called  Rarotonga. Is a very beautiful place. I am quite excited to see my family who I have not seen In awhile, Nana, Grandad. All uncle Matt and Aunt Sally and there only child Anna.  I am evan more excited about seeing my best friend Rachel who I have not seen in ages. I was so excited but sad at the same time.  I will miss all my friends but that is how it works. In the car driving to the airport mum gave me a present, I opened it and it was a present from all my friends I opened the wrapping and it was a phone  it had all their numbers in it  I was so excited texed the  group number that they could all see  and talk to each other  at this point I was in tears.

The plan journey was fun and exciting because I would see my family and our new house. Please put on your seatbelts, said the  loudspeaker over the plane. I looked out over  hills and saw  all the  houses and resorts. That was when I remembered all the fun things I have done  here with my family and friends and that is when I knew I  was truly home.  As soon as we got home  I sent a text to all my friends and they all replayed so fast they said that I had to come back in  a vist them often.  I said I would visit them twice a year if that because mum and dad won’t want me to go to Aussie by myself.  After we had all unpacked we got takeaways  and all our family and friends come over  I was sitting on the balcony when  Rachel and here mum and dad toured up I run down the  stairs to see here  I could not stop the tears from coming  I had missed here but I always new I would see here Again. Being back home is so awesome  I hope I stay here for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this free writing, Lara. I can see you have used some commas effectively! - Saying bye to my friends in Australia was hard, but I managed. -
