here is the link to our video. NZ made clothing news
Hi my name is Lara and I am 12 (year 8) at Ngatea primary school I have three teachers there names are Miss Hull, Mrs Williams, ans Mrs coles I love playing all kinds of sport and love doing crafty things.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
here is the link to our video. NZ made clothing news
Monday, 12 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
week 8 blog challenge
A couple of weeks ago we had student led conference. student led conference is when as students share our own learning from our computers. once we are showing them our three teachers would come and talk to me and my mum. After I showed mum all my stuff she said well done because I have moved up a level in reading and maths but still need to work on my writing. I really enjoyed showing my mum all my work it was cool because I could show her what I have learnt.
Sunday, 4 December 2016
The perfect holiday
The perfect holiday is,
When your going to the beach and it is a really nice day,
At the beach swimming.
Building sand castles at the beach,
Having time with family and friends,
Going on a holiday somewhere sunny with just your family no one else is the best holiday ever
work I have been doing at school
We are where we live
Living in a room in America is a young girl she was only 5 years old but she had a thing for princess her bed was a princess type bed she would always look her best in the dest clothing she had and always watched movies that had princess in them. She would have a box with lots and lots of princess things. On her desk seat would be pretty pink with cushions . Her walls in her room were pink, pink and more pink. Her personalities are different to what your normal 5 year old girls personalities would be she was so posh that she would not even set on the deck at school to eat her lunch they would have to get a seat from inside, else she wouldn't eat anything. Since they don’t have to ere school uniform she would wear a dress. She Is lovely and happy and really intelligent. She would try and look the best in the class even if she wasn't she was fine with that. But she also liked doing lots more than dressing up princess. She loved playing netball flying kites/ drones and spending time with the family. :)
NZ Baddest cereals named
Kellogg neuter gran is the one named to say the heather they are the better. this award is the one given out once a year in a costumier magizen. Another popular cereal was Milo cearial. powread also got award all
tho it has 15 teaspoons of sugar in it.some brands of Armand milk and berry cereal also got award for one of the worst celarals and milk. they said the point of these awards was so the could get out to marketers to make food more healthier.
tho it has 15 teaspoons of sugar in it.some brands of Armand milk and berry cereal also got award for one of the worst celarals and milk. they said the point of these awards was so the could get out to marketers to make food more healthier.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
week 8 blog challenge
end of year quote
I piked this quote because the yea might have not turned out how you planed but next year you can make it.
I piked this quote because the yea might have not turned out how you planed but next year you can make it.
Monday, 28 November 2016
GE trip to Whangamata
On Thursday we went to whangamata to meet up with one of the managers of Betty monroe. It was really fun and exciting to be meeting with her because she gave us a lot of help with our GE. Here are our questions we asked her. What do they have that is NZ made fabric?, How does this compare to other fabric?
Which countries would you mostly get your fabrics from?, How is the fabric made?, What are the fabrics made of and where are the fabrics sourced from?, To see the quality of fabrics from different countries? What is the difference between quality of overseas fabric and NZ?, The process of fabric getting made?, What is the progress of making your clothing?, How many staff members work for Bettie Monroe?, How did the business start?, Where do they make their clothes?, Do you have separate staff members for designing your clothing?. After she told us all we need to know we went and got some lunch at Blackies. After that we went to go to find some toilets just in case someone need to go . while we were stopped there we took more and more photos. We did one photo that made us look like we had spelt NZ. but it was not the best of photo. My favorite photo was of us with the manger with the sigh Betty Monroe behind us. This was a really fun trip and helped us with our with our inquiry. Sunday, 27 November 2016
week 8 blog challenge
what is my favourite Marmara space to work in?
My favourite Marmara space to work in is the quit zone because I can sit in there and get lots of work done because I am not talking to anyone. Our quit zone is the smallest of all our space because this space use to be a clock bay at school. our space is spelt into 4 septet class rooms. We have 1 Hui 2 Hubs and one quite zone. our quite zone has lots of different places to sit we have different types of been bags, tables and chairs and a tepee.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Ancient mummy discovered.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016
My writing
Fun time with family and friends is the best time of the year when your outside got the BBQ going talking laughing sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows eating smores fun time but imagine your family moving somewhere overseas where they don’t do stuff like that. Over in England where they all sound professional and fancy, how would you like that. Well welcome to my world I am moving to England we went on a holiday there two years ago and mum and dad loved it but I can’t stand it over there. Ever since that holiday to England every thing has been a disaster But the hard part will be trying to say bye to everyone. Talking to my friends at school to tell them that I’m leaving because dad got a job over in England. I always wondered if mum and dad would ever stop and think, Is this a good idea to move because they both have a really cool job already and I would hate to see them say goodbye to them. we are going over in a week to buy a house.
Come on time to go. It was 4 am in the morning we were leaving home to go to England to buy a house. I was not that excited to be leaving to buy a house. I asked mum and dad a question “do we have to go to England i’m not that excited” I said? Mum and dad were silent for a moment, Then they said but we have to your dad got a job and we have already got your school organized and your sisters kindergarten so your out of luck. Then mum asked what I was going to miss about N.Z. and I said my friends not seeing the family as much as I use to and roasting marshmallows and having smores. Well we can do all that stuff over in England. No I can’t my family and friends won’t be there with me it’s not going to be like old times mum.
I got so angry mum told me to get some sleep before we get to the airport and that I was shouting so loud I woke my sister up but I didn’t. We were ten minutes away from the airport and I awoke from my sleep. Mum and Dad never knew I was awake and was talking about a surprise when I get to England. I wondered what it was mum and dad never keep secrets from me and this was so enjoying I guess if I want to know then I have to wait and see what will happen when we get to England.
As we were getting everything inside the airport I was kinda looking ford to go see my new school. And apart from that i have now idear how I am going to kope. I love school here in N.Z it won’t be the same. Wake up, wake up said mum were here we're in England she sounded so excited about everything and me not so much I hate it in england the only thing people do around here is walk so poshly and talk so poshly to.
Monday, 14 November 2016
New emojes planed for 2017
For the next year people are going to be looking forwarded to new emojies in 2017. There will be more then 30 new emojies next year. there are plenty more they have made like a slab of meat and a flying sourer. This will also include a lot of mithacal creatures such u zomides, mirman and mirmaides ect. will also be add to the list. A muliteued of new foodlist has come out as well. recent months ago socile media giants are also making there own emojis. there are the 51 emijes that are coming in 2017.
😎 🤓 😇 🤠 🐖
😎 🤓 😇 🤠 🐖
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
my writting
Bella was always different to the other kids at school Taller, than anyone else. She would often get teased and laughed at but she new she was perfect the way she was. One day Miss street were talking about speeches. One kid asked what are speeches? Mis street explained the whole thing to them like what speeches are type thing. After mis street had finished explaining to us she said, “ I want you to go home this afternoon and think about this please children”.
As she was walking home from school she could hear other kids from her class talking about her. But she new she was awesomely amazing because she knew she was the town hero that everyone loved, but when she got home she was still trying to find out what to do for her speech. Then she thought, ‘what about I write a speech on what it feels like to teased and people talking behind your back’. When she woke up in the morning her parents asked what she was doing for her speech. When she told them they thought it was a great idea.
As I got to school the teacher asked me what I was doing for my speech I said bullying she thought it was a good idea because she new what I went through at school then she asked me a question, will you please show the new girl around school? I said okay she took me to the new girl in school. She was tallish like me then I looked at her. Then I remembered she is my new next door naber. She was a very nice girl. then I said
“hi my name is Bella what is your name?”
“Hi my name is scarlet.”
“Would you like me to show you around the school?”
“That would be lovely.”
she said by to her mum and I went and showed her around the school she said she loved it here and that's when I asked her if she lived down pule drive? And she said yes then I said “do you want to walk home together tonight ?”
She said okay that would be lovely.
Once I got home had some afternoon tea and watched T.V. I had an alert the alert was coming from down the road . It was coming from Jessica’s “do I really want to save her ?”
“No” “but I have to”
After getting ready to go I reached Jessica's house and she really was in danger her house was on fire. I said hold on I was coming but all I heard was screaming and shouting after I got them out of the house got the house and put it on high It took around 15 minutes to put out. After I put it out I went and saw the house to investigate and found a lighter on the ground and it looked like it had been lit and that when I found out that Jessica had lit it to make me come. Once I told her mother that someone was playing with a liter she knew exactly who it was .
The next day I had a cold it was so bad I was just getting to love school but then it gave me time to write my speech it was so awesome. By the end of the day I had finished my speech I emailed Mis street to ask her to look at it I got an email back about 15 minutes later saying I put it on Q cards and she said I could print it out. I was so excited she had also said that I was one the first people to finish.
The day had come speech day. I was so excited and scared at the same time it was the first time I have done speeches . when I got to school scarlet was there waiting for me she looked so scared. I wanted to ask her what was wrong till we got to the cloak day.
“Scarlet what is wrong? “ Bella asked her.
“Its nothing” she dust into tears .
“Okay Jessica was kinda talking to me saying you shouldn't have started to hang out with you and if I do then she would she would start to call me names plus bully me and I’m not the only one that she will do it to. How else will she do it to you and my younger siblings.” I convinced Scarlet to tell Mis street what had happened and why. She was not happy at all and said she will talk to her soon now have a seat girls.
Speech time “I was so excited for speeches I hope I am first because then it is over and done with the teacher calls out my name and I stand up and walk to the front. “I say my speech and who I write my speech actually knew who I was writing it on.” We will tell you later who got into haruki plans speech competition.
It was after lunch yay she was going to tell us who got into speech finals. Welcome class now we have made a decision the two people that are going through to the speech finless on thursday are… Scarlet and Bella. There was a dead silence as Bella and Scarlett hugged each other in Amazement then everyone except Jessica started clapping.
As Bella and scarlett were walking home Bella asked scarlett a question do you want to Came to my house tonight sure I will just go and see mum and dad plus get changed said scarlett and some sweets. Perfect. Said Bella. As bella was walking up the stairs scarlett comes running out the door and say that it was okay. I walk in the door and tell mum and dad they said that they were having dinner tonight to say congratulation to you to. After I got changed and got some food ready the doorbell goes and Scarlett is standing there. I show her around the house she thought it was amazing walking down the stairs I said I still have to show you the back yard as we walked out said mum had got some more food and got all the outdoor furniture ready we sat down and were watching T.V when the doorbell rang again mum answered it and said it was for me we went inside and Jessica was at the door and said give me my speech back you stole and started to cry. I told her it was my speech and to go away. She said the day that I was away I stole her speech and that she wants it back. That was when I slammed the door in her face. The thing that was so awesome was that Scarlett got it all on film.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Thursday, 27 October 2016
who would make a good american president
Hilary Clinton Donald trump who do you think will make a good american president.
I think Hilary Clinton would make a good American president because she is nice and dose not call people what Donald trump calls women. If Donald trump was president he would build a wall around Mexico and America and make mexico pay for it. so that is why I pike Hilary Clinton.
I think Hilary Clinton would make a good American president because she is nice and dose not call people what Donald trump calls women. If Donald trump was president he would build a wall around Mexico and America and make mexico pay for it. so that is why I pike Hilary Clinton.
our goal this week
this week our goal is to collaborate with my group achieve shared goals…
I think I have achieved this goal because on Tuesday and Wednesday we had our group Endevers. I loved this goal this week because I think I all ready do this each week. Me and my group work together really well and have no problems at all we all work together to find research and if someone needs help we will pich in and help each other out.
I think I have achieved this goal because on Tuesday and Wednesday we had our group Endevers. I loved this goal this week because I think I all ready do this each week. Me and my group work together really well and have no problems at all we all work together to find research and if someone needs help we will pich in and help each other out.
Monday, 24 October 2016
My long weekend
During the long weekend I went and sow my grandma and grandad in Te Awamutu. Because we hadn’t seen them in a while. Once we got there now one was home because they had bowls. So we unlocked the door and went in mum and dad put out the table and me and karly got out the swing ball set it was a awesome hot afternoon to be setting outside running and playing something. Then my grandma got back and we made some dip for chips . after that around ten minutes later my grandad got back and then five minutes later my mums nana and my grandma's brother. Got her and that is when we started to watch the black ferns. They are the women's rugby team. Then my grandparents friends got here and she had brought a really nice self serving pudding. Know dinner was ready and it looked really nice I ate most of my dinner. WE turned on the ruby and they were singing the National anthems. After watching the first half we had pudding it was so delicious but I could not eat it all. During the second half I could not stop coughing so I went and put my onesies on. Once the rugby was done everyone left and I went straight to ded and had a good night sleep.
During the long weekend I went and sow my grandma and grandad in Te Awamutu. Because we hadn’t seen them in a while. Once we got there now one was home because they had bowls. So we unlocked the door and went in mum and dad put out the table and me and karly got out the swing ball set it was a awesome hot afternoon to be setting outside running and playing something. Then my grandma got back and we made some dip for chips . after that around ten minutes later my grandad got back and then five minutes later my mums nana and my grandma's brother. Got her and that is when we started to watch the black ferns. They are the women's rugby team. Then my grandparents friends got here and she had brought a really nice self serving pudding. Know dinner was ready and it looked really nice I ate most of my dinner. WE turned on the ruby and they were singing the National anthems. After watching the first half we had pudding it was so delicious but I could not eat it all. During the second half I could not stop coughing so I went and put my onesies on. Once the rugby was done everyone left and I went straight to ded and had a good night sleep.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
what I have been up to at school this week
This week at school has been really fun and awesome. I have in joyed doing A hole lot of different thing like my work and our fun day Wednesday.
for our work this week we had to do a lot of different writing tasks one of hem was a instar message. What we did was the teacher made a template of a phone/ I pad and we had to put a pic of the learning in the making conference. We had to writ a little blued and put hash tags on. it was really fun and exiting to create. our next writing task was the Marmara way we had to pick one of our Marmara ways from the poster and writ what we would do to compete this task. our next on was we had to do a recount of what we did in the holiday and I did having my friend over and it enplanes what we did.
our last on was we had to do a recount on the learning in the making conference about what we did and what type of equipment we needed for the job.
On Wednesday we had a fun day because we had cafe club our fist activate went on for most of the day but that was okay because we were making mini gardens so it was relay fun. our mini gardens took around 1 hour we had to bring in all our stuff to decorate it some people went in groups and some didn't. after morning tea we seat them out on tables so that the rest of the school that wrent doing cafe club could come and look. It was really fun and awesome activate to do and I relay relay wish I could do it again.
for our work this week we had to do a lot of different writing tasks one of hem was a instar message. What we did was the teacher made a template of a phone/ I pad and we had to put a pic of the learning in the making conference. We had to writ a little blued and put hash tags on. it was really fun and exiting to create. our next writing task was the Marmara way we had to pick one of our Marmara ways from the poster and writ what we would do to compete this task. our next on was we had to do a recount of what we did in the holiday and I did having my friend over and it enplanes what we did.
our last on was we had to do a recount on the learning in the making conference about what we did and what type of equipment we needed for the job.
On Wednesday we had a fun day because we had cafe club our fist activate went on for most of the day but that was okay because we were making mini gardens so it was relay fun. our mini gardens took around 1 hour we had to bring in all our stuff to decorate it some people went in groups and some didn't. after morning tea we seat them out on tables so that the rest of the school that wrent doing cafe club could come and look. It was really fun and awesome activate to do and I relay relay wish I could do it again.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
the marama way
this term I am going to tack risks in my learning witch means I will try things new no matter what in my maths I will keep on trying and not to give up and if i don't know what the answer is just tack a risk and you might get it right. in my reading I will tack risks by reading more sound out my of words.
LITM confrence
last Friday we had learning in the making conference it was really fun and exiting. my first workshop I had to bring in A clear drink bottle so that I could decorate it. I brought in some stickers so that you could create your own emojies. in my second workshop I made a flower and stiched it onto a hiar clip. I did two workshops myself with my friend Aly we made 3D straw triangles. we had up to 12 kids in our workshop's. In our fist workshop we had two girls and the rest boys. In that workshop they all finished. . In our second work shop we had around three girls and the rest boys. One person finished and the rest didn't. but that was okay because Aly got mo over so we finished them all. this was our 3rd learning in the making conference.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Mini gardens
Today at school we made mini gardens they are so Awesome, Amazing and fun to make. on Tuesday we got a note to say that we needed to bring in stuff from home but we could not buy it from a shop for on Wednesday . I really in joyed making these mini creations. when we got to school every one was looking and showing what they had bought. After we had made them all we had to set them out on tables and the other kids from different class rooms come and have a look. They all looked stunned with what we have achieved. It was really fun and awesome to see all the other kids in the school looking around and seeing what we have achieved. I in joyed making the mini gardens and seeing what every one has made. I made a fairy garden with Todd stills, flowers, moss, stikes, sand and cootten duds.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Quick write
In the holidays I had a friend over it was really really fun. Because we did not have karly to bug as. First we started to make bracelets that had words on them for example mine said life and Ayisha’s said Yay. after we had finished making them we decide to go and hope on the tram. We went back inside and the phone began to ring
Mum picked it up and it was my sister karly who was staying at a friends house for her party and she wanted my dad who had just got back from work. So dad said he would come and see here. For her birthday she had got a dig teddy dear so dad beside to dress it up like him. After we dressed him up we went and put him in the front seat of the car. We ate dinner then went up stairs and waited for my dad to come up and put the movie on. We waited for at least 20 mins then I went down stairs and he was on the phone to my uncle. once he got of the phone he came up and put the movie in. We watched two movies that night. Then fall asleep the next day mum made us pancakes then we made her pikelets for lunch that wa a really fun time.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Upside down cafe
A new upside down cafe in germane has heads spinning with its new upside down look. topples cafe located near Frankfurt opened earlier this year and Tourist are flocking to take photographs in the mind blowing building. The cafe is designed like a house but nothing is in the right place. The sink, toilet and bath are all Topsy turvy were visitors like to pose there heads down the toilet. Go into the kitchen there are tables and chair's upside down. You will even get you coffee delivered in a inverted mug.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
France bans plastic cutlery
France has Announced a new law for plastic cutlery. the idear to step up effort to reduse pollution. As part of the country part to be more environmental friendly. plastic knifes, forks and spoons cups and plates will now longer be allowed. The new measures that gives producers until 2020 to ensure that all disposable dishes sold in France are made of biologically sourced materials and can be composted. It follows a ban on plastic bags in place since July.
Antarctic tractors travel length of New Zealand
Two antarctic tractors have just traveled the length of new Zealand to raise money for the restoration of sir Edmund Hillary’s hunt in Antarctica.The 2021km journey is the same distance sir ED drove from Scott base to the south pole nearly 60 years ago in 9095. The journal started in Piha nearly 28 days ago and the tractor's were the same Massey Ferguson's mold sir ED used for his trip. The group is trying to make $1 million to persevere Sir ED'S hunt to Antarctica. The fundraising drive needs $5 note witch carry's the image of sir ED from 60,000 New Zealanders to meet the goal.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Goal reflection
This week we got to choose
what we wanted to do because
we had to this week I pick NEVER GIVE UP
I loved having this as a learning
goal because I have stuck to my
learning / PAT with Quinton that
I did not now. I will always have this as a goal from now on because it has helped me so much with my learning.
what we wanted to do because
we had to this week I pick NEVER GIVE UP
I loved having this as a learning
goal because I have stuck to my
learning / PAT with Quinton that
I did not now. I will always have this as a goal from now on because it has helped me so much with my learning.
Goal reflection
This week we got to choose
what we wanted to do because
we had to this week I pick NEVER GIVE UP
I loved having this as a learning
goal because I have stuck to my
learning / PAT with Quinton that
I did not now. I will always have this as a goal from now on because it has helped me so much with my learning.
what we wanted to do because
we had to this week I pick NEVER GIVE UP
I loved having this as a learning
goal because I have stuck to my
learning / PAT with Quinton that
I did not now. I will always have this as a goal from now on because it has helped me so much with my learning.
Monday, 5 September 2016
Blokes day At ngatea primery school
On Friday the 2nd of September we had blokes day
Fist we had a assembly to show what learning we do.
Next we showed our dads around our class rooms and played fun games with them .
In my class room we made catapults and we had a copition to see how far they went,mine my dads and sisters went the farthest so we got a chocolate fish.
Her is a pitcher that i made of my dad: )
Fist we had a assembly to show what learning we do.
Next we showed our dads around our class rooms and played fun games with them .
In my class room we made catapults and we had a copition to see how far they went,mine my dads and sisters went the farthest so we got a chocolate fish.
Her is a pitcher that i made of my dad: )
Sunday, 4 September 2016
If you could be an animal for a day what animal would you be and why?
I would be a giraffe for one day so I now what it feels like to be tall because I am really really short for my age and would like to now what it is like to be A zoo animal for a day and what they get feed and to see if it is better to be a zoo animal or not.
what I would buy with one million dollars
I would just buy a pice of land I can bulid on and and a mini copper car . and I would save the rest
Mini Cooper
| |
And a really nice pice of land so I can build a house.
Saturday, 3 September 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Rasing money for daffodil day
Today At school we had a muffite day but it was not like any old mufftie day we had to dress up in what we wanted to be when we are older. we had to bring in money if we wanted to dress up we had to bring in a gold coin donation. it was so cool seeing all the kids and teachers dressing up to. I dressed up as a N.Z. woman sevens rugby player I wish to be a rugby player when I am older because I am so interested in playing different types of sports.
today we have dressed up to donate money to the caner sciatie. The cancer siciate is for people in need of cancer. Mrss willams told as a story adout her mum and she said she has to go to this place it sounded so sad and then Mrss coals told as a story as well I just can't think of it happening to me.
today we have dressed up to donate money to the caner sciatie. The cancer siciate is for people in need of cancer. Mrss willams told as a story adout her mum and she said she has to go to this place it sounded so sad and then Mrss coals told as a story as well I just can't think of it happening to me.
Monday, 22 August 2016
group indver
Here are some quastoin that I will need to answer

What is it I hope I will come to
understand more deeply through
this inquiry? I hope this will lead me to
understand how they desing create
and make clothes .
What knowledge might I need to help
move towards this understanding?
The knowledge I think I will need to
help me move towards will probably
be my Literacy.
What is it I hope to be able to do
more competently? (skills)
How much people get paid? Measurements Amounts of
different materials tables diagrams skills
What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice
and develop further? (Explain this)
I would use creativeate because you would need
to be creative with all the desing and couler that
goes into it the other one would be courioati because I am really really couriase adout what I am doing
understand more deeply through
this inquiry? I hope this will lead me to
understand how they desing create
and make clothes .
What knowledge might I need to help
move towards this understanding?
The knowledge I think I will need to
help me move towards will probably
be my Literacy.
What is it I hope to be able to do
more competently? (skills)
How much people get paid? Measurements Amounts of
different materials tables diagrams skills
What learning powers will this inquiry help me practice
and develop further? (Explain this)
I would use creativeate because you would need
to be creative with all the desing and couler that
goes into it the other one would be courioati because I am really really couriase adout what I am doing
Monday, 15 August 2016
book dash
Director's cut
I think they could have taken out the bit were Jarko gets back from war and his mum helps him have a shower and get him changed
How I would change it
I would change so it would say his mum helped him to clean up. Or something similar.
Monday, 8 August 2016
stuff I am couriers about
Today for the middle block we have been doing stuff to do with our Goal.
Today we had to walk around the the class room and there were a whole heap of deffrent stuff on tables around our class room. We had to get couriers about stuff that we sow like looking thought books on tables touching sand and dirt.
Here are some questions that were asked from the one that I went to ( Olden days)
Why do they have a big test to counterman what school they went to when they were eleven?
Why did they were the stuff they did?
Why did they carry things on there heads?
What is this? (Tape & CD)
Why did they were that?
Today we had to walk around the the class room and there were a whole heap of deffrent stuff on tables around our class room. We had to get couriers about stuff that we sow like looking thought books on tables touching sand and dirt.
Here are some questions that were asked from the one that I went to ( Olden days)
Why do they have a big test to counterman what school they went to when they were eleven?
Why did they were the stuff they did?
Why did they carry things on there heads?
What is this? (Tape & CD)
Why did they were that?
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
here is some writing I did
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Book Bash
For my Book bash book this week we have just started reading paper plans so far I have read to chapter three and now I am going to make a perdition. By the way I am reading paper plans.
Perdition 1 : I think that they will get forced to leave the building because the war gets to dangerous and there house gets knocked down by a bomb, If it dose get knocked down then will they be in the building or outside. If they alive what will they do or what will happen if they are dead?
Perdition 2 : What will happen if the kids are in the basements and there parents are in the the house and a bomb hits it will they live with Mrs Mujanovic because there the close to them or will they have to run for there lives to try find food?
Perdition 1 : I think that they will get forced to leave the building because the war gets to dangerous and there house gets knocked down by a bomb, If it dose get knocked down then will they be in the building or outside. If they alive what will they do or what will happen if they are dead?
Perdition 2 : What will happen if the kids are in the basements and there parents are in the the house and a bomb hits it will they live with Mrs Mujanovic because there the close to them or will they have to run for there lives to try find food?
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Our murals
In term 2 and 1 week into term 3 we have been doing art we have been designing and looking in to our family history, We have been looking at our school mural for help.
step 1 look at a school mural our ones online.
step 2 get a template and with five squares and on the same page get five more squares to put some lines in.
step 3 with those squares you are going to draw pictures of your family history and then writ a little spinet of why it is spishle to you and your family.
step 4 Now you can start drawing out your draft copy.
step 5 after you have got the approve from the teacher you can add some couler so you now what couler you are going to do for your good piece
step 6 now you can draw your good copy on a good piece of paper
step 7 after you have done all that you can now start water couler.
step 8 after you have done all the calor you can turn the paint brush around and get black water coulur and go around your stuff.
step 9 And show it of.
step 1 look at a school mural our ones online.
step 2 get a template and with five squares and on the same page get five more squares to put some lines in.
step 3 with those squares you are going to draw pictures of your family history and then writ a little spinet of why it is spishle to you and your family.
step 4 Now you can start drawing out your draft copy.
step 5 after you have got the approve from the teacher you can add some couler so you now what couler you are going to do for your good piece
step 6 now you can draw your good copy on a good piece of paper
step 7 after you have done all that you can now start water couler.
step 8 after you have done all the calor you can turn the paint brush around and get black water coulur and go around your stuff.
step 9 And show it of.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Hear is a poem that I writ yesterday during drop every thing and write
As the tape brips icicles form.
Who knows when they will defrost.
The cold winter air blows in the wind.
The rain comes to play.
Umbrellas flying all over the show.
As we got home the snow starts to blew.
Snow angels and snowmen for everyone.
As the snow and rain starts again I can hear the pitter patter on the roof
As the sun comes out the snow must leave.
Now the native birds come to play.
The sun must leave now as the moon comes to sleep.
Now I can hear the sounds of a morpork talking away.
As I am sleeping away I hear wings flapping outside I wonder what it would be like to fly?
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Lara’s news report on Lennex holiday
In the holiday Lennex and his family went up the thames coast for a little adventure he said it was really cool and scary because he got stuck in the sand bar and did not want to get out because he thought there was a shark . He said the highlight of the whole experience was everything. He said it was fun hanging out with his family because his brother is really anti social and it was cool to see him scared in the water. It was not his first time being on the kayak. He also went up the thames coast for this little fun. Experience he also said his mum hates driving in the thames coast and he said it was cool seeing his mum drive in the thames coast.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Maori languge week
This week we have been doing stuff for maori languge week the things. I have enjoyed making pois, fry bread, myth and legen that was really fun and art they were all fun and yummy . I really enjoyed creating and making ahole lot of things we even did more stuff
Maori languge week
This week we have been doing stuff for maori languge week the things. I have enjoyed making pois, fry bread, myth and legen that was really fun and art they were all fun and yummy . I really enjoyed creating and making ahole lot of things we even did more stuff
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Fry bread
Fry Bread
This week for Maori luggage week we made fry bread with miss haven I enjoyed making it because ever herd of it till today it is really easy to create.
for the ingredients you will need
This week for Maori luggage week we made fry bread with miss haven I enjoyed making it because ever herd of it till today it is really easy to create.
for the ingredients you will need
- 1/2 a tsp of salt
- 1/4 a cup of warm water
- 1/2 a tsp of yeast
- 1 tsp of sugar
- 1/2 a cup of flour
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Here is my Pepeha for Maori week
Ko Taranaki toku maunga (mountain)
Ko Piako toku awa (river)
Ko waikato ( place where you are from)
Ko Ngatea primary school toku Kura (school)
Ko Brad toku matua (father)
Ko Ange toku whaea (mother)
Ko Lara toku ingoa (your name)
No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa
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